Price $225.00
Course Features
Our current generation is moving their information and education needs to digital formats. Portfolios have taken on new forms and multiple purposes. Types of ePortfolios differ according their intent. In education, reflection is the heart that drives students and educators in building effective ePortfolios.
This course relates to the CofC conceptual framework and theme of making learning connections because it will help participants to effectively create communities of reflective thinkers who communicate progress through the meaningful building of ePortfolios. Participants will read articles, practice applications, and share ideas in the course discussion forum with other course participants.
This course is for professional development credit only. VirtualSC PD courses do not count towards any type of degree.
Course Outline
Week 1: Student Orientation
Week 2: Purpose of ePortfolios in Education
Week 3: ePortfolios and Evernote
Week 4: Google Sites and ePortfolios
Week 5: Choosing the Web Tool that’s Right for You
Week 6: The Power of Reflections
Week 7: Sharing Your ePortfolio
This is an advanced level course for teachers, literacy coaches, curriculum specialists, professional development specialists, or other school personnel. Participants are expected to have regular access to computers with Internet access. They will also need speakers and a microphone (or a headset or telephone) to participate in the Virtual Meeting sessions. In addition, participants should be proficient with browsing the Internet, uploading and downloading content, navigating to computer files, and with using word processing software, email, and attachments.
Required Materials
All materials in this course are the property of the South Carolina Department of Education Office of eLearning’s VirtualSC PD. All course materials found within the workshop are available online.
When you register for a graduate course there are two steps: first with VirtualSC PD and then with The College of Charleston. Upon registration with VirtualSC PD, directions will be emailed to you for completing registration with The College of Charleston. Check the email used to create your Genius account often.
- Registration with The College of Charleston is required for each graduate course in order for credit to be awarded.
Price $225.00