Price $50.00

Registration Open
Course Features
Language: English
7-Week, Facilitated Course
Renewal Course: 40 Credits
Study Level: Intermediate
VirtualSC PD Certificate of Completion


Built around the playbook How Feedback Works by John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey, this course centers on the question, “How does feedback work?” and how to apply the answer to classroom practice. Part 1 of this three-part series focused on defining feedback, looking at the research supporting feedback, understanding the foundations of feedback, and anticipating the barriers to effective feedback. Part 1 also covered the first of The 4 Cs of Feedback ; the role of Care in feedback. In Part 2 of the three-part series, the focus will be on the remaining “C’s”; Credibility, Clarity, and Communication. Additionally, it will explore the similarities and differences between the four types of feedback. Throughout the course, examples for elementary, middle, and high school are included.

Course Outline

Week 1: Student Orientation
Week 2: What Is the Role of Credibility in How Feedback Works?
Week 3: How Important is Clarity in How Feedback Will Work?
Week 4: What is the Role of Evidence in How Feedback Works?
Week 5: What Role Do “Teaching Noticing” and “Student Noticing” Play in How Feedback Works?
Week 6: What are the Similarities and Differences between the Four Types of Feedback?
Week 7: How Should Feedback be Communicated?


This course is the second of three in a series. Prior to taking this course, participants should have already successfully completed the following course:

This is an intermediate level course for teachers, literacy coaches, curriculum specialists, professional development specialists, or other school personnel. Participants are expected to have regular access to computers with Internet access. In addition, participants should be proficient with browsing the Internet, uploading and downloading content, navigating to computer files, and with using word processing software, email, and attachments.

Required Materials

This course (and Part 1 and Part 3) requires the textbook How Feedback Works: A Playbook by Almarode, Fisher, and Frey. It is available on Amazon in both printed and Kindle formats for less than $25.00. All materials in this course are the property of the South Carolina Department of Education Office of VirtualSC PD. All course materials needed/required for the workshop, other than the book listed above, are available online.