Price $75.00
Course Features
The courses, How Scaffolding Works: Parts 1 and 2, are about the scaffolding of learning in our schools and classrooms. As educators, we are building self-regulated learners who take ownership of their learning. We offer strategies, intervention, and different approaches. Scaffolding tasks in our classroom is essential in the successful completion of the tasks we want our students to achieve. These courses will explore different examples from primary, elementary, middle school, and high school content, skills, practices, dispositions, and understandings.
This second course, How Scaffolding Works: Part 2, expands upon the topics learned in the first course, including explaining the distinct types of scaffolds: front-end scaffolds, distributed scaffolds, back-end scaffolds, peer scaffolds, and fading scaffolds. It also discusses the importance of responsive teachers and how they understand the value of having students who have a knowledge-bearing capacity. Scaffolding strategies provide teachers with tools to analyze their students and make necessary instructional adjustments based on their needs. This course is designed for K-12 educators who want to implement well-defined and learner-focused initiatives that empower all students to excel academically.
Course Outline
Week 1: Student Orientation
Week 2: Front-End Scaffolds
Week 3: Distributed Scaffolds
Week 4: Back-End Scaffolds
Week 5: Peer Scaffolding
Week 6: Fading Scaffolds
Week 7: Conclusion: So, How Does Scaffolding Work?
This course is the second of two in a series. Prior to taking this course, participants should have already successfully completed the following course:
This is an intermediate level course for teachers, literacy coaches, curriculum specialists, professional development specialists, or other school personnel. Participants are expected to have regular access to computers with Internet access. In addition, participants should be proficient with browsing the Internet, uploading and downloading content, navigating to computer files, and with using word processing software, email, and attachments.
Required Materials
This course (and Part 1) requires the textbook How Scaffolding Works: A Playbook for Supporting and Releasing Responsibility to Students, First Edition. It can be ordered from Amazon as a digital edition or in spiral-bound for less than $40. All materials in this course are the property of the South Carolina Department of Education Office of VirtualSC PD. All course materials needed/required for the course, other than the book mentioned above, are available online.
Price $75.00