Price $75.00

Registration Open
Course Features
Language: English
7-Week, Facilitated Course
Renewal Course: 40 Credits
Study Level: Intermediate
VirtualSC PD Certificate of Completion


Our educational system influences the way that we think about data. Thinking about data in a more productive and personal way can impact student performance. This course is designed for educators to learn how to use data more practically by developing a relationship with data. Participants will investigate how to cultivate confidence in practical data use by learning how to interpret and talk about it. They will discover straightforward ways to connect practical data use with the realities of education. Using data in novel ways works to sustain your data use, keeps it practical, and deepens the connection with it. How we think about data creates a relationship with it. Then, as our experience deepens, we learn the details of the data sources including their usefulness and limitations. Participants will learn that everyday educators can work with data without the stress and ambiguity educators sometimes feel in the face of new information.

Course Outline

Week 1: Student Orientation
Week 2: What are Your Data Gifts?
Week 3: Rewriting Your Data Story and Time Considerations
Week 4: Charts and Tables
Week 5: Student-Level and Accountability Data
Week 6: Process Made Practical
Week 7: A New Direction


This is an intermediate level course for teachers, literacy coaches, curriculum specialists, professional development specialists, or other school personnel. Participants are expected to have regular access to computers with Internet access. In addition, participants should be proficient with browsing the Internet, uploading and downloading content, navigating to computer files, and with using word processing software, email, and attachments.

Required Materials

All materials in this course are the property of the South Carolina Department of Education Office of VirtualSC PD. All course materials needed/required for the workshop are available online.