Strategies for Enhancing Student Engagement and Self-Direction (Graduate)
Description Strategies for Enhancing Student Engagement and Self Direction covers the topics of student engagement and self-regulation in the classroom.…
Empowering Students and Educators to Strengthen School Communities (Graduate)
Description Empowering Students and Educators to Strengthen School Communities is about highlighting the power of positive relationships with students and…
Early Adolescent Growth and Development and Learning Communities (Graduate)
Description This course examines the biological, psychological, historical, and sociocultural influences on early adolescence. Aspects of physical, intellectual, emotional, social,…
Middle School Organization and Curriculum (Graduate)
Description This course is designed as an overview of the basic aspects of middle grades education including middle level philosophy,…
Introduction to Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students: GT PD Endorsement for Educators (Graduate)
Description This course is intended to introduce participants to the major topics regarding the specialized curriculum and instructional needs of…
Nature and Needs: GT PD Endorsement for Educators (Graduate)
Description This course is intended to introduce participants to the major topics regarding the specialized nature of gifted and talented…
Rigor and Relevance (Graduate)
Description Rigorous instruction is a term used in schools across the county on a daily basis and is often misunderstood…
The 21st Century Teacher: Collaboration in the Digital Classroom (Graduate)
Description Collaborative learning is a successful; research based instructional method that meets the needs of all students. Collaboration in the Digital Classroom offers an in-depth look at collaboration…
Universal Design for Learning 2.0 (Graduate)
Description This course provides an introduction to the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and strategies for implementing a…