New Genius SIS Accounts: What is my password and how do I change it?

VirtualSC PD switched to Genius SIS in August 2020. You may be asking, “What does that mean for me?” That is a good question and one that has a simple basic answer: if the last time you have used your account was for the Summer 2020 session (or before) or you are new to VirtualSC PD, you will need to create a new account using the ‘Create Account’ link in the blue header.
With a new account comes a new username and password. When you create your account, you will automatically be logged in to Genius SIS. You will see your username and password in a popup before your Genius Dashboard loads. We highly suggest that you write them down and keep them safe for future logins. The system will also send your username and password to your inbox, but sometimes filters prevent you from receiving that email.
Genius SIS allows you more control with your password than our previous system, so that you can reset it without any outside help through a very simple process. On your Genius Dashboard, select Edit Account on the left menu, scroll to the bottom of the page, click the checkbox for “Change my password”, fill in the password information, and hit the blue Save button at the bottom of the page.
Please watch the video below for where to go for account creation, how to navigate the Genius Dashboard, and how to register for a course.
Thank you for choosing VirtualSC PD!